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New Moon in Virgo ~ 7th September 2021 ~ 10:51 am AEST

Light Language Oracle by Bianca & Ivy ~ Yang Set.

Card 14. Temperance "Hug someone with all your might, watch as they shine with delight."

And the Word said... "Let matter reign", "I am the Mother and the Child. I, God, I matter am" ~ The Books of Alice Bailey, Esoteric Astrology

Happy New Virgo Moon Intuitive Souls!

This month's New Moon comes with wisdom from St. Germain and the Galactic Signature from the Law of Time.

Kin 7: Blue Resonant Hand "I channel in order to know; Inspiring healing; I seal the store of accomplishment; With the resonant tone of attunement; I am guided by the power of Self-Generation."

This New Moon in Virgo offers opportunities, potentials and gate way portals for you to step through and into your Power. A time for you to define where you stand and what you think as a unique individual on this planet. Virgo's intentions are that of healing, with a opportunity to serve and help others.

Where are you being called to be of service and how can you support others? The answer maybe to have more of a Self care routine!

You and the rest of humanity are experiencing rapid healing at this time, allowing you to step further into service with confidence on your path ahead. This confidence is a trust that is known in your Soul and can be called upon by going within and reflecting on lessons of past experiences.

This New Moon is guided by the Universal Law of Compensation, you reap what you sow. What you give out will be positively be compensated for and with the favorable Air trines in the skies, clarity, communication, and stability of implemented new ideas is possible if you are open to the potentials.

Stay in your Power through using discernment, boundaries and speaking your truth when interacting with others. You may have already realised that speaking your truth may be triggering to some (or many!), however when you offer your truth from an expanded idea or higher perspective, your truth can be very helpful to those who listen, allowing for any stuck and fixed energy to be transformed, healed and for solutions to be actualised.

Be conscious of the words you speak, as words hold vibrational resonance and particular frequencies. Offer words that soften one to be at ease, that are creative and empowering, rather than concluding sentences that feel limiting or restrictive. If the later occurs it is better to listen, rather than react. Remember you attract what you believe and feel to be true, so if you do not like what you see or hear, release judgement before any response is given and look deeper into your own assumptions first. The outer world are reflections of your internal world. All triggers are mirrors, offering opportunities and guidance towards your rapid healing. We have 2 ears and only 1 mouth for a reason. Listen twice as much as you speak.

With the energetic support from the many Earth signs in favorable positions, it is a perfect time for big transformation in the physical 3rd dimension, for your body, earthy behaviors and circumstance. This also means on a grander scale for Mother Earth herself, make sure you included her in your New Moon Manifestations. This new moon offers a huge opportunity to change your job and or health habits. Pacha Mama is our biggest and most beautiful reflection. Gratitude for a healthy body means healthy mind and visa versa. Virgo calls you to invest more time in nature, leaving your electronics at home, so you can be fully present and at one to receive her healing and blessings.

From my heart to yours. Wishing you a healthy energizing month. Here is your guide to creating this months' Powerful New Moon Intentions...

Happy New Moon Manifesting!

Set the scene & create sacred space

Get in alignment with a short meditation (The colours of indigo, green and turquoise will help integrate your 5D and 3D energy bodies)

Confidently Affirm out loud: (repeat daily ~ 1 or more that resonates)

* "I invest my energy in self care habits"

* "I have healthy routines for my well being"

* "I offer my services with love"

* "I bless my work and daily tasks"

Perform a Ritual: (do one or all)

* Start a new exercise routine (commit to a daily walk or something more challenging)

* Be of service to someone in someway

* Implement healthier food options for yourself, if it's been on your mind

* Do tasks or work that is in alignment with your heart and truth

Virgo New Moon Wishes: Sun & Moon Mantra

"My wellbeing is my number 1 focus this month"

***Remember to add the phrase "I Surrender my Intentions to the Divine, may they manifest under Grace." after any Intention setting***

Essential Oil to use for the Month: Tee Tree

Tee Tree has been used by our indigenous ancestors for centuries. Through the burning of Tee Tree leaves, it is used to cleanse and purify the air, ridding the space of heavy and lower energies and is known for its antibacterial properties. It has a cooling effect when applied to the skin and can naturally repel insects. I personally use a few drops in a spray bottle with water to clean surfaces around the home and in my washing cycles. Leaving all it touches smelling fresh and clean.

*Contact me anytime of the month & receive 25% off DoTerra Pure Essential Oils.

Tee Tree 15ml bottle normal price $32.67, you investment $24.50 plus postage. (Pick up & postage free available when orders are placed between the 1st the 12th of any month.

Want to know more? Get in touch for personal Oracle divination and guidance.

Thank you for your Passion & Presence, I look forward to our next New Moon Manifested!

with Love, Light & Appreciation

Beautiful B


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