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New Moon in Pisces ~ 13th March 2021 ~10:21am AEST

Updated: Jan 12, 2022

Light Language Oracle by Bianca & Ivy - Yin Set

Card 18. The Moon "Say a prayer no moon tonight, Mama Killa will shine it bright."

"Go forth into Matter" ~ Alice Bailey

(The Books of Alice Bailey, Esoteric Astrology)

The Dreamy Pisces New Moon is here with the Fish being in it's home element of flowing Water, bringing your awareness to feeling the feels! What feels will you be feeling? Well, that completely depends on what secrets are hiding in your shadows...

Pisces ruling planet is Neptune, which has everything to do with the not tangible and invisible worlds. Neptune is associated with spirituality, magic, ritual, dreaming, fantasy, extrasensory observations, psychic sensitivity and activities of the unconscious. It's a mystical sign which can illuminate your secrets, shadows and dreams. This energy allows you to see the unseen, to see your blind spots... if you're willing to ask those Self inquiry questions. (Not sure what questions to ask? ... Book your session with me)

Your intuition and psychic abilities can be strong during this time, (we all have Psychic abilities... (get in touch to learn your super powers & how to work with them.) make sure you take time out to be in solitude and go within. This new moon cycle, is a powerful time to Meditate and reflect on your past year experiences... This will allow you to hear the messages of your subconscious mind. Then when inspired images enter your vision, listen and follow any hunches you receive!

From my heart to yours, wishing you an aligned connection to your truth, mystically Pisces New Moon! Here is your guide to creating this months Powerful New Moon Intentions...

Happy New Moon Manifesting!

  1. Set the scene & create sacred space

  2. Get in alignment with a short meditation (visualise yourself in a pink bubble)

  3. Confidently Affirm out loud: (repeat daily ~ 1 or more that resonates)

    1. "I focus on my inner peace"

    2. "I accept myself and others the way we are"

    3. "I commit to my personal goals and take leaps of faith towards my dreams"

  4. Perform a Ritual: (do one or all)

    1. Keep a dream journal to connect with your subconscious, allow your dreams to be your guide.

    2. Write a list of your Fears, (Ask yourself questions), have a fire ceremony to burn the list

    3. Sign up for a Mediation class or practice Yoga

  5. ***Remember to add the phrase "I Surrender my Intentions to the Divine within, may they manifest under Grace." after any Intention setting***

Pisces New Moon Wish Sun & Moon...

Mantra "I am at peace with my past and know everything happens for a reason and that reason is there to serve myself and the whole"

Essential Oil to use for the Month:

My son's favorite oil and has soooo many benefits!..."Lavender"

Lavender is known for its' pleasant aromatic scent and I can definitely vouch for its' fast calming and peaceful effects. Anciently, the Romans & Egyptians would use Lavender as perfume, in cooking and for bathing in. Lavender pure essential oil is widely used topically for skin beauty & healing. (It works wonders on burns). It can also be used internally to ease feelings of tension and promotes a restful sleep.

*Contact me on or any time of any month & receive 25% off DoTERRA Pure Essential Oils*

Lavender 15ml bottle normal price $37.33, Price from me $27 + postage (WOW!)


What you RECEIVE when you subscribe:

* Receive my monthly New Moon Intention Letter 1wk prior to the New Moon

* My video on "Creating Sacred Space together"

* My video on "Get into Alignment Guided Meditation"

* My video on "Integrate Powerful Affirmations"

* My past New Moon Intention Letters to keep for Next Year

* My video on "NEW MOON MANIFESTED" ~ Specific to the Monthly New Moon

Video Includes: Creating sacred space together; Guided alignment meditation; Affirmations with me, extra ritual information... PLUS Extra magick information about the specific New Moon, such as New Moon Numerology; 3D and 5D Chakras to work with; Colours to work with; Angels and Ascended Masters to call upon for support and other Magical Information of Divination.

Receive all of the above for only $11 per month.

Please contact me if you are interested in receiving my "New Moon Manifested" Package,

I am still testing the setup on my website... thanks for your patience.

Thank you for your Passion & Presence, I look forward to our next Intention together!

with Love, Light & Appreciation


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I acknowledge, send love & appreciation to those who have come before us, those present day & those who will come after.

Our Ancestors, Nurturers of our Youth; Protectors & Guardians of the Land & her Elements.

Sydney, Australia

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