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New Moon in Aquarius - 12th Feb 2021 ~ 6:05am AEST

Updated: Jan 12, 2022

Light Language Oracle by Bianca & Ivy - Yin Set

Card 17. The Star "See a Star and make a Wish, Spirit will give you a unique divine gift."

"Let desire in form be ruler" ~ Alice Bailey

(The Books of Alice Bailey, Esoteric Astrology)

Kung Hei Fat Choi / Gong Xi Fa Cai Intuitive Being! Part of my culture is to celebrate Chinese New Year... I'm extending the celebrations to you, with today being a New Lunar Year cycle in the year of the Metal Ox. Those born in the years of the Ox embody the energy of honesty, diligency, strength and determination. All qualities we may find ourselves practicing with each other this year and with the doubled Aquarius Energy, of the New Moon in Aquarius in the Age of Aquarius, we are in for a common-unity treat!

Aquarius holds the frequency of the element of Air, it brings the energies of how we use our brain, thoughts, imagination and communication in to focus. Let's make constructive use of this double Air Energy.

Uranus is now considered to be the ruling planet of Aquarius, I say now, because before Uranus was discovered, Saturn was it's ruling planet. With Saturn energy still in our energy fields, from it's illumination in last months' Capricorn new moon, your Soul's Purpose and Intentions will continue to be infused into this new moon. Uranus energy brings the creative urge to change the status quo, giving individual freedom to step outside the old ways of doing things and ability to visualise an Inspired New 5D World. By the way, Saturn Energy will be with us for the next few years, Saturn is one of the slower moving planets in our solar system, making an orbit around our Sun every 29 years.

This New Moon in Aquarius can create a desire to expand our social circles, community involvement, connect with friends & like-minded individuals who are willing to move in a direction of growth. It's a great opportunity to share new ideas with each other that can deepen our own personal journey and with conscious intention can also create a better future with our Great Mother Earth.

Mercury is in retrograde in Aquarius until the 20th of Feb. which is encouraging us to review our aspirations and dreams. Mercury carrying the main energy of "communication" means by "slowing down" (aka: Be Present in the moment), you can utilise the retrograde energy to LISTEN and improve your Communication skills with others. By contemplating before you speak and consciously choosing words that expand and uplift, you will harmonise any lower vibrational energies and move the collective energies towards a frequency of Love & Peace.

Wishing you a high vibrational connective new moon and Happy New Year! Here is your guide to creating your Powerful New Moon in Aquarius Intentions...

Happy New Moon Manifesting!

  1. Set the scene & create sacred space

  2. Get in alignment with a short meditation

  3. Confidently Affirm out loud: (repeat daily 1 or more that resonates)

    1. "I am inspired & connected to the infinite oneness of abundant life"

    2. "The wishes I consciously choose, manifest quickly with flow & under grace"

    3. "I am blessed to be connected with family & friends who I Love and who Love me"

  4. Perform a Ritual: (do one or both)

    1. Have a conscious party! Invite new & old friends to come together and celebrate with a collective Intention. (The intention maybe to celebrate being able to get together)

    2. Sign up or attend a class you've always wanted to do/learn.

  5. Remember to add the phrase "I Surrender my Intentions to the Divine within, may they manifest under Grace."

Happy BirthDay! - New Moon Mantra for Aquarius Sun & Moon...

"I set boundaries that honour & reflect my foundations of Love & peace of mind"

Essential Oil to use for the Month:

My personal favorite The King of Oils "Frankincense"

Frankincense The chemical compound found in Frankincense Pure Essential Oil can cross the blood, brain barrier and oxygenate the pineal gland (aka: 3rd eye). It is known to create change on a cellular level and was said to be given to baby Jesus by one of the 3 wise men.

*Contact me on or any time before the13th of any month & receive 25% off (WOW!) DoTERRA Pure Essential Oils*

Frankincense 15ml bottle normal price $120, Price from me $90 + postage (Saving of $30!)


What you RECEIVE when you subscribe:

* Receive my monthly New Moon Intention Letter 1wk prior to the New Moon

* My video on "Creating Sacred Space together"

* My video on "Get into Alignment Guided Meditation"

* My video on "Integrate Powerful Affirmations"

* My past New Moon Intention Letters to keep for Next Year

* My video on "NEW MOON MANIFESTED" ~ Specific to the Monthly New Moon

Video Includes: Creating sacred space together; Guided alignment meditation; Affirmations with me, extra ritual information... PLUS Extra magick information about the specific New Moon, such as New Moon Numerology; Which Chakra to work with; Colours to work with; Angel and Ascended Master to call upon for support and other Magical Information of Divination.

Receive all of the above for only $11 per month.

Contact me if you are interested in receiving my "New Moon Manifested" Package

(I've added the subscription package to my website, I'm still testing how it all works, thanks for your patience)

Thank you for your Passion & Presence, I look forward to our next Intention together!

with Love, Light & Appreciation



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