Light Language Oracle by Bianca & Ivy - Yin Set
Card 5. The Hierophant "Start to write what's on my mind, a channeled message will come to life."
"I see, and when the eye is opened all is illuminated." ~ Alice Bailey
(The Books of Alice Bailey, Esoteric Astrology)
Hello Intuitive You,
Being that the new moon in Taurus is very early tomorrow morning for us in Sydney... I thought I would send this months letter today, so you can invest some time to plant your seeds.
How do you feel wearing the new you? Do you like how you feel and what you see? Last months new moon in Aries was a chance to embrace a new identity and as Mama Killa (the moon) moved through her cycle, what followed was a big bright Super Pink Moon in Secretive Scorpio... did you feel the unveiling of hidden aspects of Self to integrate. I trust you all were able to see the Light & Truth within. I've been embracing & loving those shadows that resurfed... another opportunity to let go of old qualities and boldly step in to a more expanded identity.
This New Moon in Taurus, brings a bountiful Earthy Divine Feminine essence. I love the feel & flow of this energy. Like every new moon it is an ideal time to plant seeds & set intentions & this new moons' saucy potency is in the area of our Material world, with focus on money, property, possessions, talents and assets. If you are to wish for financial abundance, remember that money is simply a form of energy and like all energy, it responds to your emotions. Thoughts + FEELINGS + Action = Result
In order to bring about the manifestations you desire, this Taurus new moon invites you to ask deeper questions to Self... "What do you really value and what do you have to offer the world?", "What truly makes you happy and feel fulfilled?"
How you value yourself & a deeper sense of Self belief is what this new moon can help shine light on. Always remember that your expression of life in whatever form that manifests is an unique vibrational frequency that matters to the greater whole. We are all interlinked in a beautiful golden web of light. I read a quote that said "Compare yourself to others and watch how fast your light goes out." this can help remind you of your own special imprint.
Continue to focus on what makes you feel good, the feeling of relaxation makes it is easier for you to feel safe and secure. I know this can be challenging sometimes because your external world is not showing you "relax" right now... it helps me to come to the present moment through breath and to go through some things I am grateful for. If you're a Doer then ask yourself, "What actions can I take, to make myself feel more safe & secure?"
This Taurus New Moon is a wonderful time to in-joy the simple things in life... pleasures of tasting delicious foods, stopping to smell "the roses" while out for a walk in Nature, investing time with Loved ones, reading a good book, dancing, playing... Taurus governs the throat area so singing & chanting are great activities to do at this time, they will activate your Base energy center & bring presence to feeling comfortable & "at Home".
This month there are a few planetary alignments which will make it easier for you identify & assimilate any long-term changes & shifts you wish to move towards, make this positive energy count!
From my heart to yours, wishing you an Abundance of Prosperity and what your heart Values in this New Moon in Taurus. Here is your guide to creating this months Powerful New Moon Intentions...
Happy New Moon Manifesting!
Set the scene & create sacred space
Get in alignment with a short meditation (visualise your legs sparkling with shimmering platinum colour)
Confidently Affirm out loud: (repeat daily ~ 1 or more that resonates)
"I believe in myself and what I have to offer the World"
"I value myself and my unique gifts"
"I am happy, healthy, wealthy and wise"
Perform a Ritual: (do one or all)
Give your ears a loving rub & say sweet things for yourself to hear.
Sing uplifting songs or chant... maybe dare to express some light language, let it flow! (come to one of our Light Language Oracle Events we will help you express)
Get a Neck & shoulder massage.
Write yourself a cheque with the amount of money you wish to receive.
***Remember to add the phrase "I Surrender my Intentions to the Divine, may they manifest under Grace." after any Intention setting***
Taurus New Moon Wishes: Sun & Moon
Mantra "I am Worthy, I relax in to the knowing that all I need and want is provided for with Grace"
Essential Oil to use for the Month: Ylang Ylang
Ylang Ylang has a rich and sweet scent of flower, used in many perfumes, it is used to strengthen hair, makes hair shine and is also used in many face creams & other beauty products. During this moon cycle a great benefit Ylang Ylang can provide you with is a few drops rubbed on the back of your neck, can calm & uplift a low vibrational mood.
Ylang Ylang essences gives guidance to release and let go of any past hurts, allowing you to Love your natural Self and remind you of who you truly are.
*Contact me any time of any month & receive 25% off DoTERRA Pure Essential Oils*
Ylang Ylang 15ml bottle normal price $76, your investment $57 + postage
Bonus information about the Taurus new moon...
In meditation call upon Archangel Chamuel (know as the Angel of peaceful relationships) to help you find what you're looking for and to bring presence of inner peace.
Want to know more? Leave me a comment so I know what you're interested in!
Thank you for your Passion & Presence, I look forward to our next New Moon Manifested!
with Love, Light & Appreciation
Beautiful B