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Intuitive Healing Channel
Illuminate Your Path
What does it mean to be Intuitive?
Intuition is the language of the Soul, it’s purpose is to express the Truth of your Inner Being.
To be intuitive means that you pay attention & listen to the call of your Soul Song through the attention of your feelings & in whatever way they may manifest for you. Some people (like my self), have a highly developed intuition language, which manifests itself as multiple Psychic (Soul) abilities.
What is Healing?
Healing is a form of Energy Alchemy. It is my belief that everything is energy and energy is everything. Through my own personal experiences I have come to understand and know that as spiritual beings having a human experience, we have the ability to co-create with the universe, using our unique gift of imagination & choice. We do this by focusing & holding vibrations of energy in our energetic body, in the thoughts we think which stem from beliefs, in the emotions we feel & in the actions we choose to take. We also experience unseen blocks to our goals, held in our subconscious minds. Healing involves our, mental, emotional, physical & spiritual bodies across multiple planes of existence and a multidimensional time space reality to align & balance with our individual truth.
What does it mean to be a Channel?
In various teachings from ancestors and mentors in many cultures and traditions, it is known that each person carries the innate wisdom to heal themself. Each person having their unique gift of creativity and own divine connection to Source Energy. Channeling is the ability to become a vessel to receive Divine Energy from your Higher Self; Source; Great Spirit; God; The Universe & interpret this information through the Soul.